Local News

Two more days of virtual classes for students
Members of the Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de soutien affiliés à la CSN have decided to go on strike at noon on Wednesday May 26 and Thursday May 27. The Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) subsequently informed the entire school community that classes will therefore be held remotely, from home, for these […]
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The MRC Pontiac funds local day camps to allow them to adapt their activities
The MRC Pontiac and the Regional Council of Mayors have announced the decision to provide funds for various summer day camp programs in the Pontiac for the 2021 season. These funds will help guide the programs according to current regulations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in the Outaouais. During the public meeting of the Regional Council […]
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Fort-Coulonge Councilor Gaétan Graveline resigns
A councilor of the municipality of Fort-Coulonge, Gaétan Graveline, has resigned. To explain his departure, he said in a Facebook post released on Wednesday (May 19). “Hello to the people of Fort-Coulonge. Thank you for believing in me during my time on our village council. I must inform you that for reasons of climate, I […]
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Curfew ends May 28
The curfew will finally be lifted across Quebec as of Friday, May 28. Patios and restaurants will be able to reopen and gatherings of eight in a backyard will also be permitted. CHIP101.9 · Francois Legault 18 mai Premier François Legault unveiled the deconfinement schedule for all of Quebec on Tuesday. The “cautious” and “gradual” […]
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A pre-feasibility plan for the Parc des Îles Lafontaine site
The MRC Pontiac National Park Committee is launching a call for proposals for the preparation of a pre-feasibility plan for the Parc des Îles Lafontaine site as well as a research project on the historical and cultural significance of the site, including First Nations history and significant historical events that took place on the shores […]
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William Amos announces that 1,500 affordable housing units will be built or acquired and renovated in Quebec
The MP for Pontiac, William Amos, announced that 1,500 affordable housing units will be built or acquired and renovated in Quebec thanks to a group of investors made up of the Government of Canada, the Government of Quebec, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, Ivanhoé Cambridge and several other investors. “The COVID-19 crisis has reminded us […]
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Report of the SQ for the territory of the MRC Pontiac from May 10 to 16
Here is a summary of the activities and events that took place on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. For legal and security reasons and in order not to compromise ongoing investigations, certain events and activities cannot be included. Monday May 10 • Collision damage to property, route 148, in Bryson • Fraud, ch Ranch, […]
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“Some measures necessary, others not, but above all a lot of questions” -André Fortin
Introduced last week, the Legault government’s Bill 96 entitled Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, received attention. Some entrepreneurs in the region fear that this law will result in fines for their businesses, other citizens also fear that this bill does not go far enough to protect the French language. The MNA […]
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Litchfield now has at least one case
The number of active cases has fallen again for the Pontiac Local Health Network (RLS), currently indicating 11 active cases. In total, the RLS Pontiac has had 335 cases since the start of the pandemic. Despite everything, a new municipality in the MRC Pontiac has appeared on the statistics table of the Centre intégré de […]
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More than 207,000 people received a first dose in the Outaouais
The number of active cases of COVID-19 has remained stable in the Pontiac in the past few days and according to the most recent data from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais, this number stands at 18. Regarding vaccinations, across Quebec, nearly half of the population received their first […]
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