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New measures from the Government of Quebec for the holiday season

New measures from the Government of Quebec for the holiday season

20 November 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:13 am

The government of Quebec unveiled yesterday (Thursday, December 19), its plan for the holiday season. Here are the main measures that have been announced.

1. Gatherings are permitted from December 24 to 27 inclusively.

2. No measures for gatherings are planned for New Year’s Day.

3. A maximum of 10 people can assemble at a time. In connection with this measure, no limit on gatherings has been established between December 24 and 27.

4. Quebecers are asked to isolate themselves voluntarily, as much as possible, one week before and one week after the period from December 24 to 27.

5. Distance education will be offered on December 17, 18, 21 and 22.

6. In elementary school, school will start again the week of January 4th.

7. In high school, school will start again on January 11. Teaching will be done at a distance according to the school calendar in force.

8. François Legault asks all companies to reduce their activities and encourage teleworking one week before Christmas.

9. The same rules will apply to all regions. Regardless of the region code.

10. The government does not “recommend” travel between regions during the holiday season, but travel is not prohibited.

11. Dining rooms in restaurants, bars, performance halls and gyms in red zones will remain closed until at least January 11. Aid programs will be extended until then.
