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New map for the special intervention Zone

New map for the special intervention Zone

17 July 2019 à 12:00 am

The government of Quebec recently published the revised map of the special intervention zone as part of the decree to prevent, among other things, the construction and renovation of residences in specific areas (Flood zones.) The new adjustments made to the map have still struck controversy among several municipalities in the Pontiac. Notably: L’Isle-aux Allumettes and Chichester, where hundreds of residents have already contacted their municipality on this subject. The Director General of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes and Chichester, Alicia Jones, explains:

Already, it would seem that some residences have been entitled to improvements, this is the case of Sylvain Fortin, a resident of Fort-Coulonge, whose residence was in the flood zone, but was not affected by the recent floods:

According to information obtained by CHIP 101.9, some residences that were repeatedly affected by floods, which appeared in the first version of the SIZ map, have since been removed. This is particularly true for residences near the Coulonge River in the municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract.

If there are changes to be made to a residence, people are invited to send an email to the Ministry and to CC their municipality. More reactions and details on this subject will be available soon.

To view this new map, click here.

The complete interview with Alicia Jones is available here.