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New interruption of service in obstetrics at the Shawville Hospital

New interruption of service in obstetrics at the Shawville Hospital

17 February 2020 à 12:00 am

The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais issued a press release today announcing another interruption of service in the Obstetrics wing of the Pontiac Community Hospital.

This new interruption will begin at 8 p.m. today (February 17), and should end Wednesday, February 19, at 8 a.m. Once again, according to the CISSS de l’Outouais, this new interruption is due to a shortage of nurses on staff.

– Pregnant women in labor will be redirected, after being assessed at the Pontiac Hospital, to the Gatineau Hospital.
-In the event that a pregnant woman arrives for an immediate delivery, the CISSS de l’Outaouais is ensuring future parents that there will be qualified personnel to provide care and that the mother will then be transferred to the Gatineau hospital.
-Expecting mothers affected by this interruption were informed of the situation.

The CISSS de l’Outaouais reiterated that it is a temporary situation and that the service should be back on February 19 at 8 a.m.