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Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) invites residents not to mow their lawns in May

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) invites residents not to mow their lawns in May

6 May 2021 à 12:00 am

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) urges people not to mow their lawns in May to help protect pollinating insects and other species that live in green spaces. With habitat loss and degradation being the primary cause of wildlife decline, NCC believes that leaving the mower in the shed may be beneficial to nature.

“When you think about the actions that can be taken in countless backyards to improve the habitats of native pollinators such as bees, certain species of birds and other animals which thus help plants to reproduce realizes that all of this can have great benefits for nature and the quality of our urban ecosystems, ”says CNC project manager Claude Drolet.

In recent years, the NCC says it has seen a massive decline in some pollinator populations due to climate change, habitat loss (including the disappearance of native plants) and the use of pesticides. According to Claude Drolet, taking measures to increase the diversity of our lawns is important for urban nature, since grassed areas are among the largest green spaces in our towns and villages. In Canada, there are an estimated 6.2 million lawns.

The French interview with Claude Drolet is available here.