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Municipality of Pontiac: Argus Environnement report

Municipality of Pontiac: Argus Environnement report

27 February 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:41 am

The council of the Municipality of Pontiac has received a report from the firm Argus Environnement, in charge of finding the ideal location to put a boat launch ramp in the eastern part of the municipality. Three sites have been studied. The report reveals that only the Tremblay Road site is viable. In spite of being the only viable option, the site still has a significant challenge, due to the low water level, low river bed slope and parking issues on top of other problems. The firm has proposed two development scenarios that may be acceptable to the Ministry of the Environment. Despite the desire to design a minimalist boat launch, the price of both development scenarios remains high.

Argus also suggested three potential solutions to solve the parking problem. One of the solutions involves the acquisition of land or permission to use land. The Council believes that the parking issue must be resolved before investing significant finances for the completion of a boat launch.

The municipal Council has chosen to set up a committee chaired by two elected officials to look into the issues. This committee will be responsible for guiding the board on this further steps and participating in the development of a funding strategy. Citizens interested in the project are invited to get involved in the committee. This is a first step for the board to judge the residents’ interest in a boat launch ramp. A first meeting is scheduled for tonight at 7:30 at the Luskville Community Center.
