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Municipality of Bristol: Flooding update

Municipality of Bristol: Flooding update

3 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:54 am

The Pontiac is breathing a bit easier over the last few hours of sunshine and the water stabilizing on the Ottawa and the Coulonge Rivers. Once again, CHIP 101.9 spoke with Phillip Holmes, a councilmen of Bristol, to get an update of the current state of the municipality in terms of flooding. Yesterday, Wednesday May 1st, the councilmen spoke on behalf of the municipality to thanks all those who have helped and have donated their time throughout the last few days:

Yesterday, Holmes also wrote on Facebook that: ”At this point river levels are not rising and we have stopped sand bag production. There are sandbags available to be taken if needed from piles at Pine Lodge, Pontiac Station, beside Brian Booth’s cottage at the far end of the bay as well as at the parking lot corner of Wharf and River.” The full interview with Phillip Holmes of Bristol is available here.
