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MRC seeks projects for the Regions and Rurality Fund for 2022/23

MRC seeks projects for the Regions and Rurality Fund for 2022/23

16 August 2022 à 12:00 am

MRC Pontiac is seeking proposals for projects for the Regionals and Rurality fund for 2022/23. The provincial program has $412,939 available for a variety of community organizations and groups to access to improve community infrastructure or services. MRC economic development officer Claudee Galipeau spoke with CHIP 101.9 about what kind of organizations can apply, and what projects they can propose.

Those who wish to submit a project can first contact the MRC Pontiac office, either by phone at (819) 648-5689 ext. 126, or by email at Those interested in submitting a proposal must meet with an economic development officer between August 9 and September 14, 2022. Applications must be received no later than noon on September 16, 2022.

More details are available on the MRC’s website.

The full interview with Galipeau (5m45) is available here.