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MRC Pontiac’s 2023 Youth Council holds inaugural meeting

MRC Pontiac’s 2023 Youth Council holds inaugural meeting

14 February 2023 à 2:50 pm

The new MRC Pontiac Youth Council held their first public meeting and were sworn in last night (February 13) at the MRC office in Campbell’s Bay.

The council is made up of 21 youth from across the MRC, as well as an inclusion from the Municipality of Pontiac in neighboring MRC des Collines.  Warden Jane Toller welcomed the group and thanked them for their involvement.

The council elected Rylee Ballman of Otter Lake as their President, and she addressed the group with a brief message about their goals.

Several other members of the council were given a chance to speak about the what they would like to accomplish and the issues they would be discussing, ranging from accessibility for people with disabilities, to public transportation, tourism and mental health services. Meetings will take place monthly, with Toller and Rachel Soar Flandé from Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi du Pontiac serving as advisors during the council’s meetings.

The full list of council members is as follows:

  • Rylee Ballman – President (Municipality of Otter Lake)
  • Rebecca Flood – Vice President (Municipality of Litchfield)
  • Starla Decarie – Secretary (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Cole Weidhaas – Treasurer (Municipality of Bryson)
  • Cayden Lemay (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Mo Weatherall (Municipality of Bristol)
  • Emma Carty Vasiliausikas (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Ollie Côté (Municipality of Shawville)
  • C-J Rutledge (Municipality of Clarendon)
  • Desiree Fleming (Municipality of Mansfield)
  • Dakota Cameron (Municipality of Bryson)
  • Aiden St-Aubin (Municipality of L’Île-du-grand-calumet)
  • Bryce Weidhaas (Municipality of Bryson)
  • Rowan St-Aubin (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Oscar Munn-Venn (Municipality of Pontiac – MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais)
  • Sydney Sharpe (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Jean-Michel Landry (Municipality of Campbell’s Bay)
  • Lea Gagnon (Municipality of Shawville)
  • Megan Lafontaine (Municipality of Otter Lake)
  • Colton Loback (Municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes)
  • Gabriel Deschênes (Municipality of Rapides-des-Joachims)