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MRC Pontiac Youth Council: “mission accomplished” for the BBQ in benefit of flood victims

MRC Pontiac Youth Council: “mission accomplished” for the BBQ in benefit of flood victims

27 June 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:57 am

Many locals and politicians made their way to the fundraiser BBQ in Campbell’s Bay last night to encourage the MRC Pontiac Youth Council who organised the fundraiser and will be donated the money raised to Bouffe Pontiac to help the victims of 2019 foods. The Youth Council representative of Sheenboro, Maggie McDonald, told CHIP 101,9 that they are very happy with the turnout and the support of the mayors.

Also on site, Warden Jane Toller, said she was very proud of the accomplishments of the Youth Council and highlighted the involvement of the community, the mayors, and the sponsors.
