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MRC elected officials highlight the arrival of Debbie Laporte

MRC elected officials highlight the arrival of Debbie Laporte

27 November 2020 à 12:00 am

During the meeting of the mayors of the MRC Pontiac held last Wednesday evening (November 25), the mayors of the region underlined the departure of Gaston Allard as mayor of Fort-Coulonge and the arrival of Debbie Laporte. In turn, the various elected officials, such as the mayor of Otter Lake, Kim Cartier-Villeneuve, underlined the change and wished Gaston Allard good luck.

The mayor of Île-du-Grand-Calumet, Serge Newberry, also marked the event with humor, by taking back the title of youngest mayor of the MRC.

Debbie Laporte has sat at the MRC Pontiac as the representative of Fort-Coulonge for about 6 months.