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MRC council reviews audited financial statements for 2022

MRC council reviews audited financial statements for 2022

21 April 2023 à 2:26 pm

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting held on April 19, council received a presentation of the audited financial statements for 2022 of the TNO as well as the MRC by auditor Simon Thibault of Axè CPA Inc., with MRC accountant Annie Vaillancourt providing an English translation.


Vaillancourt explained that the differences between the amounts budgeted and realized throughout the year were due to the fact that it was hard to predict how much grant funding they would need or receive for particular projects. The TNO had budgeted $728,527 in revenues for 2022, but the real figure was $970,911, with the biggest change coming from transfers, which had been budgeted $500, but was actually $169,781.

The TNO’s surplus for the year was $123,982.

Audited statement for TNO 2022


In the MRC budget, the greatest variation between the budgeted amounts and the real amounts of revenue were related to various transfers, services rendered, interest and leases. The 2022 budget estimate for revenue had been $8,663,383 but had actually been $9,689,387.

On the expense side, the MRC had budgeted $8,744,346 but actually spent $9,713,454. Vaillancourt explained that there was a difference of roughly $196,000 in general administration expenses due to amortization, salary differences, professional services and lawyer fees. The biggest variation was in land use planning, roughly $531,000, due to leases as well as amortization.

The MRC finished the year with a surplus of $323,701.

Audited statement for MRC Pontiac 2022

A video of the meeting is available on the MRC’s Facebook page (discussion of the financial statements takes place from 8:02 to 19:38 and 1:19:36 to 1:41:57)