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MRC announces online surveys for housing, AgriSaveur project

MRC announces online surveys for housing, AgriSaveur project

31 January 2024 à 2:43 pm

MRC Pontiac has announced two online surveys on the subjects of housing as well as their AgriSaveur initiative.

The one on housing asks participants about their needs and challenges when it comes to housing, as well as their aspirations. The survey is available from January 30 to February 29.

“The lack of housing in the MRC Pontiac is a critical situation that has a huge impact on the region’s economy and the availability and quality of local services,” the press release from the MRC reads.

The second survey will focus on the MRC’s AgriSaveur project, which aims to construct a shared facility for local producers to process and brand their agricultural products. The survey will be open from February 1 to 15.

“In order to gauge the interest of residents and merchants in improving the supply of agri-food products processed right here in the Pontiac, the MRC is launching a survey to help identify the project’s potential as part of a market study,” the statement reads.

The surveys can be found here.