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“Most important projects are community based” – André Fortin

“Most important projects are community based” – André Fortin

11 September 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:46 am

The Minister of Transport and MNA for Pontiac André Fortin held a press conference this Sunday at the Arena in Fort-Coulonge to present his commitments to the MRC and the Pontiac if re-elected in October. André Fortin told CHIP that the most important projects are ones brought forward by the community itself:

André Fortin was applauded by nearly the 30 people present at the press conference regarding the liberal governments new policy conserning the parking at hospitals:

The conference was held on Sunday at 10h30 where André took the opportunity to support the pool project on site saying it’s a project that is needed in the Pontiac.

The complete report with André Fortin is available here.
