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More details of the MRC Pontiac resolution on the PPJ trail

More details of the MRC Pontiac resolution on the PPJ trail

25 June 2019 à 12:00 am

CHIP 101.9 obtained a copy of the resolution that was passed by the mayors of the Pontiac MRC on Wednesday, concerning the feasibility of making part of the PPJ trail open for multi-use (cyclist and ATVs):

– A legal opinion on the rights and risks associated with the potential conversion of a portion of the PPJ trail into a multi-purpose trail and / or a trail reserved exclusively for ATVs;
– Answers on insurance and liability issues, as well as how the insurance coverage of the MRC will be affected;
– Answers on the potential impact of a partial conversion of the PPJ to a multi-purpose trail or trail exclusively for ATVs on the designation of the trail as part of the Route verte and therefore on the annual subsidy received by the MRC;
– All the necessary documentation concerning the financial implications;
– Any other relevant documentation.

Remember that the part of the track that will be searched will be between Campbell’s Bay and Waltham.