Minor flooding possible in the coming days
Minor flooding possible in the coming days
Minor flood levels may be exceeded along the Ottawa River as of Monday in flood prone areas, depending on temperatures and precipitation received over the next few days.
The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board said this minor floods could happen along the river between Fort-Coulonge and the Montreal region, because of the levels and flows of the water on the Ottawa River that continue to rise gradually due to on-going snowmelt in the central and northern portions of the basin.
[(Note : The minor flood level is defined as the level at which parts of some streets, lawns and parks are beginning to flood, with no or few houses/buildings affected by water levels. Water levels are currently expected to remain below major flood thresholds in all locations. )]
According to the information obtained, water levels are currently expected to remain below major flood thresholds in all locations. In the flood prone areas, levels are expected to be similar to or below the peak levels reached in 2018. . The Board also informs that other bulletins will be issued if the risk of flooding increases.

Forecast values (April 10th 2020)
River Conditions Forecast / Flooding Risk: The spring thaw started early this year and there is no snow left on the southeast basin portion. April 1st snow measurements indicate that the remaining snow cover still contains a significant amount of water and has generally higher than average water content for this time of the year.
If you think that your property may be at risk of flooding, please contact your municipality.
To know more on the forecast values on the Ottawa river : http://ottawariver.ca/