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MétéoMédia forecasts a cold winter 2017-2018 in Quebec and Ontario

MétéoMédia forecasts a cold winter 2017-2018 in Quebec and Ontario

21 November 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:38 am

MétéoMédia forecasts a cold winter in Quebec and Ontario for the 2017-2018 winter season. The La Niña phenomenon, which results in colder than normal waters in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, will result in wetter conditions than normal during the winter in the northern hemisphere. These conditions are favorable for precipitation, which will be in the form of snow, rain or freezing rain.

For Quebec and Ontario, MétéoMédia expects snowfall above normal, perhaps the highest in 10 years, and the threat of freezing rain at a greater frequency. Temperatures should hover around the normal.

In the winter of 2016-2017, the presence of an atmospheric conditions kept the cold in British Columbia while Quebec and Ontario experienced a milder than normal winter. This weather pattern is not expected to reoccur next winter, with temperatures forecast for the season normal in Quebec and Ontario.

A link to the 2017-2018 Winter Preview will be available here; January/89375/
