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Members will be able to vote on the member dividends on August 19

Members will be able to vote on the member dividends on August 19

29 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Caisse Desjardins des Rivières de Pontiac will hold an extraordinary meeting with only one item on the agenda, namely the rebate intended for members and the community. Members will be able to follow the EGM via the Caisse website and will have a few days to vote. The director of the Caisse, Stéphane Labine, explains that there will be no election this year and that the elections are postponed until next spring.

Asked about the Fort-Coulonge service center capital project which could change site, Stéphane Labine mentioned that a certain delay was expected in this case given the context of the pandemic.

Here is the link to join the extraordinary annual meeting as well as the convening notice of the Caisse Desjardins des Rivières de Pontiac.

The full interview with Stéphane Labine is available here.