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Meeting for last spring’s flood victims today

Meeting for last spring’s flood victims today

21 September 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 18 July 2023 à 1:55 pm

The Member of National Assembly for Pontiac André Fortin, accompanied by the Member of National Assembly for Gatineau, Minister of Justice and Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, Mme. Stéphanie Vallée, are at the Luskville Community Center until 8:30 PM to help flood victims.

Victims will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers on the spot from the various stakeholders involved. These include the Department of Public Safety (MSP), the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy (MAMOT) and the various municipalities affected by the floods. All stakeholders will be at the same place.

This event is being held following the implementation of additional resources announced by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Safety and Minister responsible for the Montreal region on September 12, to provide better support to flood victims and the affected municipalities.

The new measures include:
• the creation of partnership committees
• increased support from affected municipalities
• New agreements with agencies regarding temporary accommodation.

The spring flood affected 286 municipalities in 15 regions of Quebec, flooding more than 5,300 homes and forcing the evacuation of more than 4,000 people and the closure of several roads.