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Mayor of Mansfield ask that the Ottawa river Regulation planning Board address the high water levels

Mayor of Mansfield ask that the Ottawa river Regulation planning Board address the high water levels

23 October 2020 à 12:00 am

After concerns were raised by residents of the municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Mayor Gilles Dionne requested during the MRC Pontiac meeting Wednesday Oct 21, that the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Committee (ORRPB) address the current high water levels.

Other mayors joined in on the conversation, addressing similarly observed situations such as the Mayor of Sheenboro, Doris Ranger. The mayors of Rapides-des-Joahchins and Portage-du-Fort both have observed low water levels this fall season.

The Mayors resolved unanimously to have the ORRPB address the situation during the MRC’s plenary meeting in two weeks time.

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