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Masses cancelled in the Pontiac

Masses cancelled in the Pontiac

13 March 2020 à 12:00 am

All Saturday evening, Sunday morning masses and Sunday celebrations have been cancelled until further notice, in all parishes of the Diocese of Pembroke due to the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Following the measures imposed by the Government of Quebec, the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Quebec made the preventive announcement, “given the impossibility, in many places, to manage the limit of a 250 people gathering, and the fact that many of our parishioners are over the age of 65 and are therefore more at risk of contracting the virus.”

As an alternative to the cancellations, Father Justin, from the parish of St-Pierre in Fort-Coulonge, plans to broadcast the Sunday mass via social media for his parishioners.

Those interested will als o be possible to listen to mass via the radio CHIP 101.9 (10:30am).
The churches will however remain accessible for personal visits and for smaller gatherings, as Father Justin explains.

Certain measures will also be taken to keep the premises clean and disinfected to prevent the spread of the virus.