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Maryse Vallières-Murray and Trevor Rivet win three awards

Maryse Vallières-Murray and Trevor Rivet win three awards

22 April 2021 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:17 am

Two young entrepreneurs from Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield, Maryse Vallières-Murray and Trevor Rivet, stood out brilliantly at the 23rd edition of the OSEntreprendre Outaouais Challenge. Their project, Fromagerie La Drave, won first place in three categories: Bio-food, the Coup de coeur Étudiant creator award and above all the Young entrepreneur honor award.

“Super grateful because it is really a great regional recognition for these three awards, in particular the Young Entrepreneur Award which is really the regional grand prize”, exclaimed feverishly Maryse Vallières- Murray.

Indeed, the Honorary Young Entrepreneur Prize will help Maryse and Trevor start their dairy bar project, thanks to a $5,000 grant. The prize in the Bio-food category was also linked to a $ 500 scholarship and the Favorite Student Creator Prize will allow two entrepreneurs from the region to obtain an additional sum of $ 1,500.


Maryse Vallières-Murray will also be Nathalie Vassilof’s guest at CHIP 101.9 next week to reveal more details of their Fromagerie La Drave project.

The OSEntreprendre Outaouais Challenge’s mission is to inspire the desire to undertake to help build a proud, innovative, engaged and prosperous Quebec.