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March: fraud prevention month

March: fraud prevention month

5 March 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:52 am

Several fraud awareness activities will be organized throughout Québec as part of the 15th annual Fraud Prevention Month. The national campaign 2019 will unfold under the theme ‘It pays to be vigilant’!

A primordial prevention campaign
Several awareness activities are planned to better inform the public about fraud. They are intended to remind citizens that fraudsters are highly skilled and use a variety of tactics to manipulate their victims. Although many specialized teams work daily to combat the various types of fraud, vigilance and prevention measures still remains their best form of protections.

Fraudsters generally rely on ignorance, vulnerability, sense of urgency and pressure to achieve their ends. As new forms of stratagems appear every day, citizens must adopt safe behaviours to stay on guard against fraudsters. They must be skeptical about offers that are too attractive, validate the information, question the lure of easy money and, above all, not give in to pressure. These simple actions can save them a lot of trouble.
