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Major Hydro-Québec works between Morrison Island and Isle-aux-Allumettes

Major Hydro-Québec works between Morrison Island and Isle-aux-Allumettes

27 August 2018 à 12:00 am

Hydro-Québec has announced that there will be electrical pole replacement work on the line crossings between Isle-aux-Allumettes and Morrison Island along Highway 148. There will be work to excavation, removal and replacement of infrastructure. Interruptions in electrical service are expected from September 4 to 6, but only among customers living on Morrison Island. Hydro-Québec has committed to notify customers affected by these interruptions. This work will also cause delays for motorists, since the road will be reduced to one lane. The work is scheduled to start on Tuesday, September 4, and finish on Thursday, September 6. The schedule will be from 7 am to 5 pm. For more information, citizens can contact: 1-800-465-1521 extension 6022.