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Loisir Sport Outaouais stopped in the Pontiac this week

Loisir Sport Outaouais stopped in the Pontiac this week

18 November 2020 à 12:00 am

Loisir Sport Outaouais (LSO) invited municipalities, cultural and community organizations as well as the schools of the MRC du Pontiac to participate in the territorial tour on cultural leisure which took place yesterday, Tuesday, November 17, via Zoom. The objective of this meeting was the establishment of a regional action plan.

“We have produced an ambitious Portrait of Cultural Leisure in the Outaouais, based on the contribution of more than 150 respondents from the Outaouais, from all corners of the region, whether in the cultural, municipal, school or community environment. It was obvious that we had to push further, bring together the communities and create a mobilizing momentum so that, with the actors of the environment, we could identify possible solutions and development axes for the coming year ”, explains Frédérique Delisle, Executive Director of Loisir sport Outaouais.

This tour is made up of multiple workshops for reflection on the integration of culture in the context of leisure. It will stop in each MRC and in the City of Gatineau and will lead to a regional day on March 12, 2021 in Gatineau. Loisir Sport Outaouais wishes to explore the findings and issues in the different territories, with local players.

Loisir sport Outaouais’s mission is to stimulate the development of leisure and sport in the Outaouais, in partnership with the community, to achieve a better quality of life for the population. The organization offers a diverse range of services to its members through consulting expertise and is involved in cultural leisure activities in order to encourage the practice of cultural leisure and initiatives using culture as a tool for social intervention.

The French interview with the project manager at Loisir sport Outaouais, Pascale de Montigny Gauthier is available here.