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L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet is still looking for a new director general

L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet is still looking for a new director general

16 November 2020 à 12:00 am

The municipality of Île-du-Grand-Calumet is still looking for a director general. Those interested can send in their application as soon as possible in order to fill this position left vacant after the tragic death of Sylvain Bégin last September. After posting the job for the first time, the town council is still accepting applications.

Under the authority of the municipal council, the director general assumes the responsibilities of the municipal administration. To this end, he (she) plans, directs and controls all activities and supervises the staff to carry out the decisions of the board. He (she) exercises control over the quality of public works and the application of municipal regulations. Management also follows up on communications between council, citizens, governments and other stakeholders as well as budget, program and project preparation are also part of its mandate.

Interested people can send their application to the following coordinates:

8 chemin Brizard
Ile du Grand-Calumet
Québec, J0X 1J0
Email :
Telephone : 819-648-5965
Fax : 819-648-2659

More details are to come on the subject.