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Leslie Park now accepts stays of less than a week

Leslie Park now accepts stays of less than a week

4 August 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:11 am

Leslie Park, located in the Municipality of Otter Lake, is now be accepting bookings for less than one week stays. This new measure introduced in August will last until the end of the season, unless a significant event, causes the organization to adjust.

jjjIn case you haven’t heard the news, Parc Leslie is now accepting bookings for less than one week stays, during the month of August until closing or until further notice. Unfortunately tents are still not allowed, because our washrooms and showerhouse remain closed

However, the campsite is still unable to accommodate the tents on the site, as access to the toilets and the shower stall remain closed.

Since Leslie Park opened last June, several measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among vacationers and to ensure a safe stay.

Information: (819) 453-7382

Also read: Reopening of Campgrounds: Responsibility of Campers
