L’Envolée students launch book “Les mystérieuses aventures de Siméon et le train”

L’Envolée students launch book “Les mystérieuses aventures de Siméon et le train”

12 June 2023 à 11:00 am

The public was invited to the Campbell’s Bay Recreation Center on Friday (June 9) for the launch of a children’s book created by students at L’envolée school, in collaboration with illustrator Sylvain Blouin.

Teacher Françoise Corriveau explained that this first-ever interdisciplinary project for École des Petits-Ponts is part of Culture à l’école, and  also aims to teach students more about Pontiac history.

Élizabeth Boisvert, the teacher in charge of the project, said that it took just 4 months to complete.

All students at l’Envolée school took part in the project, regardless of their grade level. Illustrator Sylvain Blouin had worked on a similar project with École Ste-Anne on l’Île-du-Grand-Calumet, but this time he came to work with the children in-person, accompanying and supporting them throughout. He spoke with CHIP 101.9 about the process.

“Les mystérieuses aventures de Siméon et le train” tells the story of three children who travel back in time by train from Shawville to Fort-Coulonge in search of objects. A few copies of the bilingual book may be on sale at MRC Pontiac offices and regional libraries.