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L’EntourElle find alternatives for this year’s activities

L’EntourElle find alternatives for this year’s activities

12 November 2020 à 12:00 am

The 12 days of action against violence towards women is quickly approaching and unfortunately due to the pandemic many usual activities planned by l’EntourElle have been cancelled. However, according to the Community Worker at l’EntourElle, Vanessa Chabot, they have found alternatives to many of the activities, namely the walk that is held each year with the Knights of Columbus.

The 12 days of action against violence towards women will begin on the 25th of November and end on the 6th of December, the anniversary of the Polytechnical School tragidy, where 14 women lost their lives in a sexist act of violence.

An event that’s close to many

The 12 days of action against violence towards women gains a lot of support in the MRC Pontiac, notabily in the municipalities of Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield, where many members of the Knights of Columbus help organize the yearly walk in the municipalities.

The full interview with Vanessa Chabot is available here.