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Le Patro’s Young at Heart Committee: activities for people aged 50+

Le Patro’s Young at Heart Committee: activities for people aged 50+

24 November 2021 à 12:00 am

A new committee was recently created at Patro de Fort-Coulonge–Mansfield, called the “young at heart committee”, open to people aged 50 and over. As organizer Lise O’Reilly explained, this committee aims to promote socialization and enhance the infrastructure of the Patro as well as the attractions of the Fort-Coulonge–Mansfield region.

“With everything that has happened lately, people need to socialize. People need to break through isolation. They need to come out and feel part of a group, that’s always very motivating. We give them the opportunity to get involved in the community by doing all kinds of activities. It is also a way of making known to a different clientele than children the Patro’s infrastructure and the wonderful places that we also have around,” she said (translated).

For more information on the young at heart activities at the Patro, call 819 683 3347.

The full (French-language) interview with O’Reilly and Suzanne Daze is available here.