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Lack of Ambulance resources in the Pontiac

Lack of Ambulance resources in the Pontiac

3 March 2020 à 12:00 am

In this morning’s edition of the Journal Le Droit, we can find a article regarding issues related to the ambulance services in the Pontiac. According to information in Justine Mercier article, we learn that the Pontiac sector, occupied by the Shawville Hospital, is frequently only served by a single ambulance, which has a significant impact on call response times.

According to statistics released by Le Droit, variants of more than 17 minutes exist when only one ambulance is in service instead of two. According to the director general of the coopérative des paramédics de l’Outaouais Paul Lévesque, this problem has existed for a long time. Justine Mercier’s file also refers to the inter-hospital transfers that would cause this problem.

Out of 500 assignments in 2018-2019, a quarter of the cases would have come from inter-hospital transfers.

More details are available via the Journal Le Droit website.