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Labor shortage hinders the growth of Greenhills business

Labor shortage hinders the growth of Greenhills business

6 July 2021 à 12:00 am

The many construction projects, the economic context and many factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic are causing a shortage of manpower in several areas. The construction sector is particularly affected, several companies are even forced to refuse contracts due to a lack of employees. This is particularly the case with the company Greenhill construction. In full growth, this company believes that it will have to ignore certain calls for tenders, given the lack of employees.

“It’s a solid labor shortage. We can’t keep up with the demand. We are currently refusing the work, ”declared one of the owners of the company, Joël Boisvert. Several positions are currently available, some of which require skills cards, others not.

The shortage is so great that during the interview granted to CHIP 101.9, the owner Joël Boisvert launched an appeal to the public.

We only ask you to send your CV or even call us to discuss. Call me, I will be happy to talk. We agree that I am looking for year-round employees, we offer competitive salaries and attractive conditions. »
– Joël Boisvert

Joël Boisvert even asked to call him directly at (873) 355-1271, and he invites those interested to visit the company’s website at

The full interview with one of the owners of Greenhill construction, Joël Boisvert, is available here.