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Justin Bertrand discusses his performance at Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle Competition

Justin Bertrand discusses his performance at Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle Competition

1 September 2022 à 12:00 am

Local fiddler Justin Bertrand recently returned from Winnipeg, where he competed in the prestigious Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle Competition.

He explained that during the competition, each musician is required to play a medley of tunes to highlight their proficiency in several different styles of music. The judges for this year’s competition were Mark Sullivan (a 3x Grand Master), Brian Hebert (a Canadian fiddling legend according to Bertrand), and Rodney Krip (Saskatchewan provincial champ).

He said that he was pleased with his performance but didn’t end up being selected for the final round. He pointed out this was only his second time competing in the competition, and he was up against some phenomenal musicians.

He thanked all those who helped out with his GoFundMe that he created to help with travel expenses.

The full interview with Bertrand (6m25) is available here.