Job offer – Drivers – Volunteers Wanted – Transporaction Pontiac

Job offer – Drivers – Volunteers Wanted – Transporaction Pontiac

22 September 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 22 November 2022 à 2:42 pm

Earn non-taxable $$$

Drivers must use their own vehicle to do the trips to transport clients.
We offer a rate per kilometer according to the price of gas including parking fees.

Why become a volunteer?

  • Meet new people in your community
  • To make a difference in someone’s life
  • A pastime with a bonus

All Municipality of the MRC Pontiac and the Municipality Pontiac

Who are we?

TransporAction Pontiac is a non-profit organization mandated by the MRC Pontiac to provide adapted and collective transportation on the MRC’s territory. Our objectives are to organize, provide, and maintain a rural adapted and collective transportation service within the territory of the Pontiac MRC by promoting the mobility of its rural citizens and the sustainable development of its communities.

Transportation services are performed mainly by volunteer drivers.

1226A, route 148
Campbell’s Bay, QC
J0X 1K0
Tél: 819-648-2223
Fax: 1-877-657-9475
Sans frais: 1-877-648-2223