Jane Toller invites the Pontiac to a public meeting on agriculture

Jane Toller invites the Pontiac to a public meeting on agriculture

31 May 2018 à 12:00 am

Pontiac residents are invited to attend a public meeting on agriculture on June 4th. This event will take place at the Campbell’s Bay Recreation Center from 7 to 9 pm, and will be chaired by the MRC Pontiac Warden, Jane Toller. The objective of the meeting is to bring together the different stakeholders in the agricultural sector to discuss the goals of the MRC in agriculture and the 13-point action plan for the development of the industry. A presentation by LiveWell on the production of hemp and cannabis is also expected.

This public meeting kicks off a consultation tour by the warden in the Pontiac between June 5 and June 14. Jane Toller will take the opportunity to listen to and answer residents’ questions about the economic and social future of the Pontiac, as well as to report on the progress made in the 11 priorities for the Pontiac, laid out a few months ago. Plans for the Pontiac pool will also be presented at the five advisory meetings.

• June 4 @ Campbell’s Bay Recreation Center Public Assembly on Agriculture
• June 5 @ Harrington Hall, Chapeau Consultative Assembly of Isle-aux-Allumettes, Chichester, Sheenboro, Rapides-Joachims and Waltham
• June 11 @ Campbell’s Bay Recreation Center Campbell’s Bay Advisory Council, Litchfield, Portage-du-Fort, Bryson and Grand Calumet Island
• June 12 @ Shawville United Church Shawville, Clarendon and Bristol Advisory Assembly
• June 13 @ Otter Lake Recreation Center Otter Lake Advisory Council, Thorne and Alleyn-and-Cawood
• June 14 @ Fort-Coulonge Golden Age Club Fort Coulonge and Mansfield-et-Pontefract Consultative Assembly
All meetings are from 7 to 9 PM