Jane Toller calls most recent vote that divided MRC controversial

Jane Toller calls most recent vote that divided MRC controversial

1 December 2020 à 12:00 am

In her daily update, the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, began by congratulating the new mayor of Fort-Coulonge, Debbie Laporte. She believes Ms. Laporte will bring great experience and dedication to this position. She also underlined the retirement of Mr. Régent Dugas from his post as Director of Territory at the MRC Pontiac. Mr. Dugas had been with the MRC since 2006. She insisted on his work ethic and his dedication to the revitalization of the Pontiac, particularly with regard to forestry.

Jane Toller mentioned that the MRC Pontiac will donate $ 10,000 to the Bouffe Pontiac organization, which was unable to organize its Christmas fundraiser this year (Guignolée) due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Council of Mayors voted unanimously on Wednesday to take 10,000 of the 2020 surplus and donate it to the organization. “That way, we think the money will be well spent because it will go directly to many families in Pontiac who need it,” believes Jane Toller.

Vote on the conditions of the CVB consultant: a controversial vote according to the Warden

The Warden also pointed out that recently, the MRC Pontiac took an important step by adding “Facebook Live” as a new means of allowing the public to follow the monthly deliberations of the TNO council and the Regional Council of mayors, question that she considers important since she insists on the fact that the vote on the conditions imposed on the consultant Pierre Vézina, which divided the council of mayors, was controversial. According to her, the public should know what each mayor thinks about this. “This broadcast will give residents the opportunity to submit a question in advance and have it answered. At our last meeting we had a controversial forestry issue and the end result was a split vote. As Warden, I was responsible for determining the outcome of the vote and I believe I voted as the majority of the people of Pontiac would have liked, “says Jane Toller. You can listen to audio recordings of the meetings on the MRC website and you can also watch the video feed on the MRC Facebook page.