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“It’s our land” insists Roger Fleury

“It’s our land” insists Roger Fleury

2 December 2020 à 12:00 am

In a poster signed by Roger Fleury, Chief Pontiac Anishinaabek Fort de Coulonge Kichesipirini, distributed in the Pontiac, he invites the community to participate in a “cultural hunt”. According to the poster, the hunt can be done “at your usual hunting spot or at a location designated for you”. However, this hunt does not respect the hunting and trapping regulations under the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife.

“These are our rights, those who issue fines or even our land,” says Roger Fleury.

Extrait Roger chasse

This cultural hunt will take place according to the poster from this Friday December 4 until December 8. “We are the ones who invite the population because we have our rights, it is unceded territory, as the member for Pontiac William Amos said” insists Roger Fleury.

Extrait pense pas

Here are the posters that have been distributed so far.