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“It will have positive impacts for all of the Outaouais” -William Amos

“It will have positive impacts for all of the Outaouais” -William Amos

3 March 2021 à 12:00 am

The federal government invested $ 3 million last week in three organizations working in cybersecurity in the city of Gatineau. The MP for the Pontiac, William Amos, believes that this is an excellent opportunity for the Outaouais region to position itself in this field.

“This is the kind of investment that, in my opinion, also has positive repercussions for the entire Outaouais region, including the riding of Pontiac. This allows us to say that our region has a specialty and to develop expertise and specialized resources in mastery while having economic spinoffs everywhere in the Outaouais ”, believes the MP for Pontiac, William Amos.

This investment was made as part of the Croissance économique régional par l’innovation program, which aims to support development for small and medium-sized businesses in Quebec.