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Interviews – CANAMEX – 2 Day Tour

Interviews – CANAMEX – 2 Day Tour

18 October 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 3:59 pm

A regional two day tour through parts of Vermont, New York, Quebec and Ontario was given Tuesday and Wednesday for the American delegates participating in agri-tourism CANAMEX Project. The creator and head of the project, David Gillespie gives us all the details in this interview with Eric O’Brien.

Among the 40 guests on the regional 2 days tour of the CANAMEX project were agri-tourism farmers from the states of New-York and Vermont. The co-owner of North country creamery in Keeseville, NY, Ashlee Kleinhammer, was also interviewed.

Charles Ross from the university of Vermont talking about his role in the project;

An interview with the sisters Susan Blouin and Anne Doe of the Boston post Dairy Farm, involved in the project;

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