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Interview – Mélanie Morin – Local firefighters in Australia

Interview – Mélanie Morin – Local firefighters in Australia

24 January 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 3:59 pm

For the past few weeks, Quebec has been sending forest firefighters and forest fire management specialists to Australia to fight the forest fires that are currently wreaking havoc across the country. Among the members of this team, we can count on firefighters and specialists from the Fire Protection Society (SOPFEU) of the Maniwaki base, who are originally from the Outaouais, but some are also residents of the Pontiac. Interviewed at CHIP 101.9 this week, Information Officer for the Canadian Inter-Service Forest Fire Center, Mélanie Morin, gave the team news, live from Melbourne, Australia.