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Interview – Kim Lesage – Chantal Lair – MRC’s implecation in the Equipiste project

Interview – Kim Lesage – Chantal Lair – MRC’s implecation in the Equipiste project

4 June 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 3:59 pm

The Équipist project (Bicycle repair stations) carried out by five students from École secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge was established in partnership with the Lab Finance, the MRC Pontiac and La Défriche.

This Pilot project resulted in three bicycle repair stations which were installed at strategic points on the Cycloparc PPJ in Bristol, Waltham and the Vinton sector of Litchfield.

In the following interview the Civil Engineer and Tourism Marketing officer at the MRC Pontiac, Kim Lesage and Chantal Lair talk about the MRC’s implecation and the impact on tourism this project could have.