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Increased traffic today and tomorrow in the vicinity of Bryson Generating Station

Increased traffic today and tomorrow in the vicinity of Bryson Generating Station

19 March 2021 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:16 am

The rehabilitation work at Bryson Generating Station begins today (March 19) with the installation of a temporary parking lot. Hydro-Quebec’s communications and community relations advisor, Alain Paquette, said traffic could be heavier today and tomorrow in the Bryson region.

Hydro-Quebec says it has accommodation needs with the arrival of workers. Alain Paquette calls on the population to find places to accommodate them.

Here are the contact details for informing Hydro-Québec about accommodation options, either via the Info-Projets line: 1 800 465-1521, extension 6022 or by email: The French interview with Alain Paquette is available here. An English interview with Alain Paquette will be made available next week.
