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Inaugural ball tournament raises $12,000 for Maurice Beauregard Park

Inaugural ball tournament raises $12,000 for Maurice Beauregard Park

21 June 2023 à 2:43 pm

On Tuesday evening, members of Campbell’s Bay council were presented with a cheque for $12,000 from the organizers of the first annual Maurice Beauregard Memorial 3-pitch tournament, which took place back in May. Beauregard, the former mayor of the town, passed away from cancer in October 2022 and his family organized the tournament as a way to carry on his legacy of community involvement. The money will be put towards improvements at the town’s park, which is named after Beauregard, though town officials didn’t have any specific plans at the moment.

Mayor Raymond Pilon said that the town’s goal is to make the park an enjoyable space for all ages.

The money raised by the tournament will also go towards three $500 leadership and community bursaries for graduates from the Pontiac’s three high schools. Beauregard’s widow Kelly McMahon spoke briefly and said that the first of the bursaries will be presented later this week, with the other two given out this fall.