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In a few hours the sum of 10 116,65$, along with 406.9kg of food were collected

In a few hours the sum of 10 116,65$, along with 406.9kg of food were collected

6 December 2019 à 12:00 am


The Bouffe Pontiac food drive took place on December 5th in Campbell’s Bay, Shawville and Allumette Island, from 6:00 am to 9:00 am. Once again, Pontiac residents demonstrated their enormous generosity. In only a few hours the amazing sum of 10 116,65$, along with 406.9kg of food were collected! These donations will allow Bouffe Pontiac to prepare approximately 160-200 Christmas baskets that will be distributed to Pontiac families in need.

The event was a great success and it would not have been possible without the help of great partners and numerous dedicated volunteers that contribute with their time year after year. 56 volunteers contributed a total of 119 hours to help Bouffe Pontiac collect these much needed donations.

A special thanks to our partners who help keep all the volunteers safe during the event, such as the Campbell’s Bay-Litchfield and Allumette Island Fire Departments and the Sûreté du Québec. This would not have been possible without the help of all other organization such as : Table de developpement social du Pontiac,Ministère des Transports du Québec, Corporation de développement communautaire du Pontiac, Comission scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de l’Outaouais,Western Quebec literacy council , Autonhomme Pontiac,Coop des parémédics de L’Outaouais, Bureau de Will Amos, Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi, Centre local Emploi Québec, Ministère de la faune, Pontiac West Connects, SADC, Maison de la famille du Pontiac, MRC Pontiac, Jardin éducatif, Comptoir St-Pierre, École PHS ,CAVAC , The Equity and Le Journal du Pontiac also our local radio CHIP .FM that was present at every intersection to cover the event. Thanks to Café 349, the municipality of Shawville and Sloan’s Groceries for providing coffee.

We thank EVERYONE who donated, our partners and all the volunteers that take part in the event every year. We hope to see you all again next year. Merry Christmas!