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Île-du-Grand-Calumet council votes unanimously to hire Sylvain Bégin as director general

Île-du-Grand-Calumet council votes unanimously to hire Sylvain Bégin as director general

22 June 2020 à 12:00 am

The municipality of Île-du-Grand-Calumet has found its new director general. After Sabrina Larivière’s departure from office in 2018, the board voted unanimously to hire Sylvain Bégin, who holds the position of general manager of Rapide-des-Joachims.

It was deputy mayor Alice Meilleur-Pieschke who chaired the municipal meeting on Friday, June 19 with mayor Serge Newberry being absent. Five people have succeeded one another as director general in the past five years in this municipality of the Pontiac. This made Councilor Martin Bertrand say that it would be important to provide good support to the new director, Sylvain Bégin, in order to fulfill the many challenges that are required in the context of this job.

The municipal meeting which took place on June 19 is available via this link: