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Hydro-Québec will install buoys

Hydro-Québec will install buoys

17 June 2020 à 12:00 am

Hydro-Québec will install buoys on the Ottawa River, at the Bryson power station and at the Rocher Fendu dam, to warn the public of the presence of danger zones. The work consists of installing warning buoys connected to each other by means of floats.

“The practice of recreational tourism on a body of water located near a hydroelectric plant is dangerous. We invite the public to respect the signage and the protective structures put in place to ensure their safety, ”wrote Alain Paquette, advisor – Community relations at Hydro-Québec, via a press release.

In order to carry out this work and ensure worker safety, the levels will be lowered before installation, then raised when completed. Residents and users of the Ottawa River will therefore be able to notice certain variations in the level of the river over the next two weeks. The levels will, however, remain within normal operating areas and should not interfere with the activities of river users.

Hydro-Québec specifies that the installation of these protective structures and their location have been approved by Transport Canada and comply with environmental requirements.

To report a situation representing a risk to the public, Hydro-Québec
makes the following number available to the public: 1 877 816-1212 (24 hours a day).