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Hunting Season 2019; The Bryson Lake Lodge

Hunting Season 2019; The Bryson Lake Lodge

13 September 2019 à 12:00 am

CHIP 101.9 as begun to make an assessment of the 2019 hunting season. As the moose hunt begins next week, September 21st, CHIP learned more about one of the local outfitters in the Pontiac. CHIP 101.9 recently spoke to the Co-owner of the Bryson lake Lodge, an outfitters on Bryson Lake, at around km 90 on the Jim’s Lake rd in the municipality of Mansfield, Denis Lebrun who talked about his business regarding the recent change to the moose hunt at the Quebec government.

According to Lebrun, the Bryson lake Lodge receives a lot of hunters from Ontario, the United-States and Montreal, but less from the Pontiac, due to, again, the changes in regulation and amount of locals with land in the area. On that, Lebrun talked about the success rate of seeing and taking home a moose at Bryson Lake:

Note that the 2019 moose with antlers, 10cm+, crossbow and bow hunting season in the Pontiac for Zones 10 west will be from September 21st to September 29th and for Zone 12, from September 21st to October 6th. To learn more about the services provided to hunters, listen to the full interview with Denis Lebrun on the Bryson Lake Lodge here.