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Guignolée 2017 in the Pontiac

Guignolée 2017 in the Pontiac

29 November 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 3 August 2023 à 9:52 am

The 2017 Pontiac Guignolée will be held on December 7 in four different locations across the MRC. In an interview with CHIP 101.9, Bouffe Pontiac Director Ellen Boucher described the annual event, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.

Volunteers and partners of Bouffe Pontiac will collect donations from motorists between 6am and 9am on December 7th.

Non perishable food items, monetary donations and new gifts for children will be accepted. The donations will allow Bouffe Pontiac to distribute 200 Christmas baskets to families in need in the MRC Pontiac. The complete interview can be found at Information on the places and times of the Guignolée can also be found on our website.

The complete interview with Ellen Boucher is available here.
