Future of Norway Bay pier uncertain, council awaiting engineer’s report
Future of Norway Bay pier uncertain, council awaiting engineer’s report
The future of the Norway Bay pier is in limbo, as the integrity of the aging structure is currently being assessed by an engineering firm. The pier is a popular spot in the cottaging community during the summer months, and typically swimming lessons and other activities are offered via floating docks that are attached to it.
Late last year, an underwater inspection was conducted as part of an engineering report on the integrity of the structure. In a post on social media, Bristol councillor Val Twolan-Graham said that while an informal report to council had not been promising, they were hoping the full report would be available in time for discussion at their public meeting in March.
“No decision has yet been made re. closure of the pier although that, unfortunately, may be the reality,” she wrote. “No discussions have occurred with respect to how lengthy the possible closure could be since we do not have specific recommendations moving forward at this moment in time. We are very aware of the complexities this may cause for the NBMA, an organization which has always offered so much to our community and beyond. ”