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Funding to help official language minority media

Funding to help official language minority media

5 October 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:47 am

The Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and Francophonie Mélanie Joly unveiled a fund to support official language minority media.

This announcement was made during the unveiling of the Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023: “Investing in Our Future”. This funding will take the form of 58 placement positions for radio stations and newspaper publishers in the English- and French-language minority communities, which will be created thanks to additional funding provided for the Young Canada Works program. Minister Joly is pleased to announce that this funding supports more than 100 internships for 5 years, which began in September 2018. This is a $ 4.5 million, 5-year measure.

The Community Media Strategic Support Fund, with a budget of $ 10 million over 5 years, will also be implemented this year. The purpose of this fund is to provide financial assistance for projects that contribute to the maintenance of official language radio and newspapers in a minority situation. This measure will therefore have a directly affect on Pontiac media outlets.
